Registration of a Limited Liability Partnerships

People vectors in partnership | Limited liability partnership | Netsheria International

A limited liability partnership (“LLP”) is a type of partnership where the liability of all partners is limited to the amount that they have each contributed to the partnership. This is unlike a limited partnership in which there exists at least one general partner whose liability is unlimited while the rest of the liability of […]

Registration of a Simple Partnership

People suited up shaking hands in agreement | Limited liability partnership | Netsheria International

REGISTRATION OF A SIMPLE PARTNERSHIP Partnerships in Kenya are governed by the Partnerships Act No. 16 of 2012 (the “Act”). A partnership is the relationship which exists between 2 or more persons who carry on business in common with a view to making a profit. Partnerships can either be general or limited. General partnerships differ […]

Understanding Employee/ Share Ownership Plan (ESOPS) in Kenya

Employee stock ownership plan | Netsheria legal articles

Understanding Employee/ Share Ownership Plan (ESOPS) in Kenya What is an ESOP? An ESOP stands for employee stock/ share ownership plan. An ESOP grants company stock to employees, often based on the cadre and duration of their employment. Typically, it is part of a compensation package, where shares will vest over a period of time. […]

Are you an Influencer: A look at the contractual practices in influencer marketing

What Is Influencer Marketing As social media platforms expand and evolve, the advertising industry has had to change and adapt to continue to reach more consumers. The number of social media users has registered a sustained growth over the years with approximately two billion internet users currently using social networks. With social media growing in […]

What Is a Synchronization License?

What is Sync licensing | Netsheria International legal articles in Kenya

A synchronization license is an agreement between a music user and the owner of a copyrighted composition (song) that grants permission to release the song in a video format (YouTube, DVDs, Blue-ray discs). This permission is also called synchronization rights, synch rights, or sync rights. Who needs a Synchronization License? Whenever you release a recording of a […]

Requirements needed to set up a company

Hand stamping registered: company registration concept | Netsheria International LLP company registration services

Do you want to setup a company? Having a business up and running most often one needs a company in order to have a structured and well aligned system to function. That is why it is advisable that you open up a company in order to run your business, because a company is a legal […]

Corporate governance in start-up companies

Corporate governance for start ups | Netsheria Legal articles in Kenya

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN START- UP COMPANIES   WHAT IS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE? Corporate governance is defined as the legal and regulatory measures taken to ensure the protection of shareholders’ interests in a company and ensure the proper direction and control of the company in line with the said laws and regulations. This definition was derived from […]

Steps to take when your copyright is or has been infringed

Copyright concept | Netsheria International legal articles on intellectual property

  Establishing legal grounds in Copyright infringement The first step towards filing a claim for copyright infringement is identifying the legal grounds on which your copyright may have been infringed. Infringement of a copyright often arises when a third party performs any acts legally granted to the copyright holder or author in relation to the […]

Lending money to a friend? What kind of investor are you? Who is an investor?

Hand depositing coins on jar, other two jars have a tree going from them | How to invest | Netsheria International legal articles

A person or organization that puts money into financial schemes, property, etc. with the expectation of achieving a profit/ financial returns from it. The investors may include everyone, that is, from startup accelerators to Capital Markets institutions and even family members who loan money to one another. They buy into long-term strategic positions and expect […]