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Board Resolutions where a Company is guaranteeing a third party

KShs 3,500.00

A Board Resolution for Guaranteeing a Third Party is a formal document that records the decision of a company’s board of directors to provide a guarantee for the obligations of a third party. This typically occurs when the third party is taking out a loan or entering into a financial agreement and the company agrees to be responsible for the debt should the third party fail to meet its obligations. The resolution is a binding commitment and is often required by the lending institution as part of the loan documentation. The resolutions should be printed out on a company’s letterhead and should be signed by directors present during the said meeting.

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The document must be carefully drafted to reflect the specifics of the guarantee and the extent of the company’s liability. It should include the date of the resolution, the names of the directors present, the details of the third party and the nature of the guarantee, as well as any limitations or conditions attached to it. The resolution must be in accordance with the company’s Articles of Association and any other relevant legal requirements. Once passed, it should be recorded in the company’s minutes and retained as part of its official records.

This resolution serves as a testament to the company’s willingness to support the third party and is indicative of a close relationship between the two entities. It is a significant gesture that can help facilitate the third party’s access to financial resources, but it also represents a considerable risk for the company. Therefore, such resolutions are not entered into lightly and require thorough deliberation and legal oversight. The document is typically printed on the company’s letterhead and must be signed by the directors who were present at the meeting where the resolution was passed. It is a crucial piece of documentation that underscores the company’s commitment and the seriousness of the undertaking.

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