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Application to remove caution

KShs 3,500.00

An Application to Remove Caution is a legal document utilized by a property owner or a charge holder to lift a registered caution against a property. This caution is typically placed on the title of a property to warn potential buyers or other interested parties of a claim or interest on the property, which could affect their rights. The application is a formal request to the land registry to remove this caution, allowing for clear transactions and dealings with the property.

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The process involves completing specific forms, such as Form LRA 9 and Form LRA 70, which are booking and application forms respectively. The applicant must provide details such as the land title number, personal identification, and address of both the cautioner and the registered landowner. Additionally, a copy of the registered caution must be included. The application must be signed in the presence of an advocate and is subject to nominal stamp duty. Once submitted, the land registry will process the application and, if approved, the caution will be removed, thus clearing the title of the property.

This procedure is crucial for maintaining the integrity of property transactions and ensuring that all parties have clear and undisputed rights to the property. It is a safeguard for both the property owner and potential buyers, ensuring that any claims or disputes are resolved before the property changes hands. The removal of a caution can be a relief to property owners, as it signifies the resolution of claims and the ability to proceed with unencumbered property dealings.

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