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Service Level Agreement – Simple

KShs 3,500.00

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a formal document that defines a service relationship between two parties: the provider and the client. It outlines the scope of the service, the standards to which the service will be performed, and the responsibilities of both parties. An SLA typically includes metrics by which the services are measured, remedies or penalties for service failures, and protocols for adding or removing services. The agreement’s objective is to ensure clarity and consensus on the provision of services, guaranteeing that both parties have a clear understanding of service expectations and deliverables.

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It serves as a blueprint for service provision and a benchmark against which service performance is measured. By setting out specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) criteria, an SLA provides a transparent basis for understanding the service provision and the recourse available should the agreed standards not be met. This document is crucial for maintaining a positive, productive service relationship and for providing a legal framework to resolve any disputes that may arise from the service engagement. It is a key component in managing service delivery and ensuring customer satisfaction.

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